I notice that a second university is now having to deal with the logical result of allowing Muslims to flourish. An Islamic group is under investigation for allegedly segregating men from women at meetings on the campus.
No shit Sherlock.
Do you have a bald head, tattoos and a dog called Tyson? Only a thought, but if the English Defense League, who to my certain knowledge have never killed anybody, wished to meet on the same campus, would they be allowed? For some reason, it is ok for a group who condone the idea of females as second class and condone the stoning to death of gays to avail themselves of campus facilities, but woe betide anybody who admits to voting UKIP or describes them self as "indigenous".
In the end, we shall have to face Islam down, and it will not be nice. Appeasement and accommodation of tyrants never works.
On the "Hate Thatcher" thing; we have heard a lot about her legacy. But if you take a long hard look at what we have now it is possible to see that the real damage in the past decade or so has been done by the erosion of democracy and the acceptance that lying is the default position for politicians. The country is not a place of equality - it was a socialist myth. Indeed, the chances of someone from a modest background doing well are worse than they were when Thatcher left office. It was Labour who introduced tuition fees and Labour who abolished assisted places to good schools. It was Labour, mostly Gordon Brown, who has made it so hard for ordinary working people to make ends meet, by escalating the duty on fuel, selling our gold reserves and bloating the public sector by over 1 million extra employees.
This week I did something new. I ordered some groceries online from Sainsbury's.
Sainsbury's knows everything I ever bought from them. If a ghastly murder is every done while I am in their store, Sainsbury's will not only give me an alibi, they will inform the jury about my consumption of moist toilet wipes and my apparent addiction to crisps. Mrs Weasel and I don't find this particularly creepy or intrusive. You and me just have to get used to the idea that "they" know who we are, what we do and how we do it.
It's not just the establishment who can use technology to catch us out. I notice that "Smoking Hot" is turning the tables in regard to recording our everyday lives by posting audio of the rather unprofessional manner of the UK Border Agency. It wouldn't be the first time that the uniforms have been hoisted on their own petard.
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